Saturday, September 29, 2012

all you need is love

i've been on a reading kick lately, of the romance kind.  it's probably not the kind you may be thinking of though.  i've never really been into "classic" romance novels as i've thought them to be somewhat melodramatic (have you ever seen their covers??), and quite... ahem, descriptive.  almost frighteningly descriptive.  the ones i've been plowing through are PG-13 and read more like romantic comedies.  but i guess they would fall in the "romance" genre.
anyway, i've found that what draws me to these books is the same reason why i flock to rom-com movies: love.  the sappiness, the cheesy professions of feelings, the guaranteed happy endings.  how many books can be written about love?  how many ways can a person read about love?  how many thoughts can be made and shared about love?  tons upon tons.  and it never gets old.
i love it really, that one emotion can hold so much power.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

eyes wide open

i LOVE to sleep.  then why does it take so darn long for me each night to actually make it to my bed?
i think i tell myself almost every morning (after hitting the snooze a half dozen times and finally dragging myself up to face the day) that i'll get to bed earlier, that i'll give myself a nice 8 hours of rest.  but who am i kidding?  i'll be lucky if i get 7.  or 6 for that matter.
even on nights that i am sleepy, i'll find myself up late working, channel surfing, or reading an entire book on my kindle.  even now, i'm sprawled all over the bedroom floor (as not to disturb my husband), typing this entry, contemplating why i'm not asleep next to him.
it's because once i'm up there all snuggled into the blankets and warm, a cat (or 2) at my feet, i'll be awake for hours.  thinking.  about what?  sometimes about how i can stop thinking.  about how i can relax my mind, like tricking myself to sleep.  i've even tried the breathing exercises and pretending i'm weightless kind of thing, but i suppose i'm not cut out for meditation.  counting sheep?  ugh.  my mind sidetracks so easily when numbers are involved.
so what's an insomniac to do?  i guess i have all night to figure out the answer.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

tough it out

i read this quote last night and found it to be very fitting:
Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do!  --Dr. Robert H. Schuller
it's actually the title of his book, which has now been added to my list.  nevermind that the book is almost as old as i am.  the uncomplicated truth in the title alone is enough to grab my attention.
i woke up this morning reinvigorated, giving myself a pep talk, ready to take on whatever came my way.  and boy, was it waiting for me right outside my front door!  so i passed the quote on to someone that seemed to need it just as much as i did, if not more, and witnessed the transformation that took place after i'd shared those 8 simple words.  funny (and amazing) how powerful a few words can be.