Wednesday, August 31, 2011

running pains

this morning i eased into my first workout after my latest back injury.  (i'd decided to rest from my workouts for a week).  shortly after i started my run, being careful to slow my pace to that weird jog/walk shuffle, my back started aching so i told myself i'd run to the mile marker and walk back.  but before i knew it, i had made it to the bridge without hardly breaking a sweat.  i turned around, deciding when i should stop.  it felt good to run and i had truly missed it... but i knew if i pushed it like i had before, i would regret it for a week later.  so i slowed to a walk, finding that it was harder to make myself stop than to keep going, even with some pain. 

after about a half mile of semi-brisk walking, i found that i was completely bored.  so i went back to a cautious jog, making it another half mile before time was up.  in a way, the whole run wasn't very satisfying.  i wanted to run.  i ached for it.  and i ached more to run than from my pain.

over these past 2 months, somewhere along the line, and without even noticing, i had become a runner.

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