Sunday, January 15, 2012


it's my birthday and i can... blog? if i want to.

first things first -- my recovery is coming along.  i don't think i will ever stop marveling at the healing powers of the human body.  every day i'm feeling better, but i have to remind myself not to rush things along.  wednesday was the first day i felt like myself again, so i got to work early and walked around the office all day.  but it didn't take long to start feeling the effects of jumping the gun, and i remembered what i kept telling my mom after her surgery: "relax.  take it easy.  let your body heal."  time to take my own advice!

anyway, i had a fantastic birthday weekend... festivities kicked off on friday when i walked into the office and ended with the giants winning over the packers.  (thanks for the birthday gift, boys!)  here are some highlights (sometimes i prefer pictures over words):


now THIS is what i call an office "bombing."

the spread... for breakfast.

sushi for lunch...

... and dinner.


celebrating with my in-laws', relaxing by the fire...

being kindle fire twins!

with food (and lots of it)...

... a game...

... and ice cream cake!

and my bff proves once again she is the BEST ever.


breakfast in bed!  i'm spoiled.

birthday celebration dinner with my fam.

the dessert tower!

and it's a photo finish.

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