Friday, November 25, 2011

midnight madness

after a delicious thanksgiving feast (and what a feast it was!), my sisters, cousin, and i stayed up to check out the black friday deals at target. the doors were set to open at midnight so we arrived a few minutes afterward, assuming that the lines wouldn't be bad based on previous years when we went at 5 a.m. once we made it into the parking lot, we quickly discovered how wrong we had been -- the line stretched from the door down the street and there were literally people everywhere. (it appears that we're not the only crazies who'd rather stay up thanksgiving night instead of waking up at the buttcrack of dawn). we made it into the store quicker than we expected to though, only to be greeted by another line inside that was apparently for electronics. thankfully we weren't looking for any of that. we navigated the crowd as best we could, seeking items to cross off our christmas shopping lists.

when i was standing in one of the aisles, i heard someone call my name. the voice belonged to a childhood friend of mine that i probably haven't seen in close in 15 years! i was surprised she recognized me since i was wearing my glasses, but she looked exactly the same so maybe i haven't changed much in her eyes either. my mom runs into my old friends more often than i do since her and my dad moved back to our hometown, and she told me so. we chatted fairly easily as if we see each other on a regular basis. it was some kind of fluke that we ended up in the same store, in the same aisle, at the same moment.

after about an hour and a half of shopping, my sisters and i started towards check-out which wrapped around from the back of the store and around the aisles until we were assigned a cashier. the whole process took about 40 minutes of waiting, plus another 5 or so in guest services for a price adjustment since i noticed i had been overcharged. once we left the store, all of us were too tired and too shopped out to go anywhere else. was it worth it, though? i ask myself that every year and the answer is always yes. not solely because of the deals i score but because of the time spent with the sisters.

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