Wednesday, May 18, 2011


now that the schwarzenegger scandal has hit the airwaves, it has spurred discussions on the topic of cheating through local media outlets.  this morning a listener wrote into the radio station i was tuning into asking whether it was considered cheating on her married boyfriend if she was hooking up with her ex-husband once in awhile.  no kidding.  and what was more ridiculous was that one of the station DJs was adamant that it was not considered cheating, because the boyfriend is technically married and so has no right to be upset about his divorced girlfriend consorting with an ex.  the others on the show were trying to explain to her that the evaluation was not on what was right or wrong or should or shouldn't be, but rather that the girlfriend is in a committed relationship with her boyfriend and therefore cheating on him with another person.  in other words, when you remove all the excess stuff from the equation, cheating is still cheating.

thank you, voices of reason.

some days i think, where did all this grey come from?  when did things stop being black and white?  are we, somehow, cheating ourselves by blurring the lines?

1 comment:

  1. lol.. i still see it as cheating if she calls the guy her boyfriend. to me, the term 'boyfriend' = relationship = commitment. otherwise, why even use the label? if she was just "dating" the guy, then there's nothing to say about it. but i understand that not everyone agrees.
