Thursday, May 19, 2011

true colors

my youngest sister is going through a rough time right now that is equally surprising and appalling.  i won't go into specifics, but it reminds me of a situation i found myself in (when i was not much older than her) with an old friend/roommate who introduced me to his cousin, who happened to be a pathological liar and cunning thief.  it was weeks, maybe months, before i realized that she had been stealing from me.  the money and property i could deal with losing, but it was the betrayal i never quite recovered from.

it is sad to say, but sometimes the most friendly, charming people, even those closest to you or the most unexpected, can stab you in the back.  what do you really know of them, when you've only scratched the surface?  people are complex creatures, and it takes time to peel back all their layers.  you can only hope that when their true colors are revealed, that they shine in the same direction as yours.

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