Tuesday, September 27, 2011

the jitters

i had to get in earlier for back-to-back meetings first thing in the morning, so decided on a cup of coffee to give me a jolt.  this is a rarity because i hardly drink it now.  i quit coffee right after college since i didn't need it anymore to get me to class or to an exam (which in pharmacy school was always scheduled for 7:30!) and because it didn't always leave me feeling at my best.

still, there are times when coffee is absolutely necessary, like i'd fall asleep driving on my way in to work or a day like today where i knew i'd have to stay focused straight through the morning.  and even though i know these are must-have situations, it's still hard for me to drink it.  i actually think my body is so used to not having it that my stomach lashes out in protest when i do.  and i avoid that at all costs.

so, back to today.  i don't think it hit me until about 11 a.m. when i almost felt like i was buzzing, and it was difficult to stop talking.  if you know me, this is odd.  but i found myself doing everything in my power to sit still or pause long enough to maintain fairly balanced conversations.  to make matters worse, once i was back at my desk, i powered through lunch without hardly realizing it.  and because my stomach felt hollow and i had a 4 p.m. meeting scheduled, i somehow believed drinking a latte would help me function at that time.  but when 6 rolled around and then 7, my hands were literally shaking and i felt like i had to pry my teeth apart.

even now, i know i need to sleep because i have another big day ahead of me tomorrow, but my eyes are wide open.  i mean WIDE.  OPEN.

sigh... i think i'll stick to tea from now on.  or maybe just water.

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