Monday, September 5, 2011

time and time again

ah, 3-day weekends.  having an extra day to do all the things i can't get to on regular weekends.  but why do they seem so short?  they always feel as if they fly by faster than when we just have the 2 days.  i concluded that it must be because i'm convinced i have some leeway to fiddle about... and before i know it, i've done nothing but watch TV for a whole day.

so this time, i made sure to fill up my schedule with lots of activities.  except this made the weekend feel even shorter, since i was so busy.

it's weird, because you'd think that time is absolute... measured seconds, minutes, hours, days, etc... but in theory it is relative.  relative to those who measure it.

maybe next time what i need to do is throw my clock out the window and enjoy it.

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