Wednesday, July 13, 2016

you are beautiful

Hi baby,

I often reflect upon my childhood and the struggles I've had, and even still do, with my weight. The societal pressure, especially on women today, to be rail thin or shaped a certain way or to lose the baby weight basically immediately after giving birth is immense. It plagues me that you'll be subjected to this pressure as a young girl, and I'm already preparing myself for how to respond. As you grow older and are exposed to the body shaming and guilt and impossible standards of beauty, I want you to remember this: You are beautiful. You are beautiful and always will be. At almost(!) one-year-old, I love the way you look in the mirror and smile wide at your reflection. That is how it should always be. When the world gets you down or makes you feel ugly, you're the one who knows the truth inside.

Your daddy tells me I'm beautiful all the time, when I haven't showered, when my hair's a mess, when I'm wearing a stained t-shirt. He often reminds me not to put myself down when I'm feeling bad about myself, since one day soon you'll start to understand what the seemingly harmless negativity means. And I want to be a good example for you as a strong and happy woman, secure in her body and sound in her mind. You'll be fed many messages in the future, so keep in mind that you can choose to filter them.  Focus on messages (like the ones below) from positive role models who are comfortable just as they are, as it should be.

YOU get to choose, so let's choose happy, okay?


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