Tuesday, July 12, 2011


i wear rigid gas-permeable contacts, which is a nice, technical way of saying they can really hurt like hell sometimes.  when i first started wearing them during the summer before 8th grade, i had to pop them in for an additional hour each day (once i got them in, which would usually take close to an hour in itself).

it's been a long time since then, and i generally tolerate my lenses really well, except on particularly soupy days, or windy days, or when some miniscule object unsuspectingly flies into my eyes.

so this morning went alittle like this: right after backing out of the driveway, my left eye started watering like crazy (stray eyelash? hair? piece of dust? who knows), which made my right eye start watering and driving nearly impossible.  so i stopped at the end of the block to dry my eyes.  mid-commute, just as i was thinking about how nice it was to blink without pain, my right eye instinctively closed and i literally could not keep it open.  the blur of tears came again, and i can only describe it as feeling like someone was stabbing me in the eye.  i nearly had to pull over to recover.

how could something that small hurt so much?

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