Saturday, August 31, 2013

names explained

*i've always kept names out of this blog... until now.  in memory of our babies, i wanted to share the names we gave them.*

"i think they deserve names," hubbie said.
and he was right.  as much as we'd struggled giving our babies the names we had reserved for them, we agreed that it would help to have a way to refer to them.  they had been born, had taken breaths, and so they had lived.
yes, they deserved names.
with that understanding, we talked through a couple of names that i'd brought up in the past.
"what about lily?" he asked.
"i've always liked lily."
i looked up the name meaning and discovered that the lily flower signifies innocence, purity, and beauty.  it fit our baby girl.
then i thought, since they were twins, it would be nice for their names to start with the same letter.  i liked the name logan for our son, but the name lucas spoke to me more.  lucas, a variation of luke, means light.  and it immediately made sense.
lily and lucas.  loved.

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