Wednesday, June 29, 2011


a couple of nights ago, one of our smoke detectors was beeping, so naturally my husband replaced the batteries.  moments later, we heard the chirping again so he changed out the batteries in the detector in our room.  but the noise continued, probably since the detectors are all wired together.  he came downstairs to switch out the batteries in the one right outside the kitchen... and wait for it... wait for it... beep!

so i jumped in to try to figure out which one was the culprit.  i stood underneath each one, deciding it must be the detector in the hallway upstairs, which turned out to be the first one he'd traded new batteries with.  i had to laugh, because the whole scene reminded me of a modern family episode.  if you haven't seen it, this was totally us (just short of the smashing part):

from season 2, episode 7: "chirp"

even though the hubbie managed to get the detector (which one, we'll never know) to stop, i swore i heard the darn chirping in my sleep that night.

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