Tuesday, June 7, 2011

... for dummies

my workplace's phone system recently changed so that incoming calls will just ring (instead of beep).  i didn't think i would ever get used to our original intercom system, but i must have since i had to re-learn how to operate a phone the "normal" way.

now to give alittle background on this (so my story will make sense), most of the calls that come in for me do not go through my direct line.  we have receptionists that answer the phones and distribute the calls accordingly, first buzzing into the appropriate person, then announcing the call, and finally "transferring" it to our lines.

in the past, the calls would be parked on our lines and the "park" button on our phones would blink, cuing us to pick up.  so with the intercom system it went alittle like this (for me, anyway):

receptionist: "<my name here>?"
me: "yes?" (after picking up the phone, because i didn't like yelling back).
receptionist: "you have <so and so's name> calling from <so and so's place> on your line."
me: "okay, thanks."

so then i'd hit the "park" button and introduce myself to the caller.  piece of cake, right?  (believe me, it took me awhile to get this down to a science).

well, most of today didn't run so smoothly.  for one thing, my phone was ringing off the hook.  and secondly, i didn't realize the phone changes affected my process.  whenever one of the receptionists would announce my caller and say, "when i hang up, you'll have her/him," i'd hang up, and wait for the blink.  when it didn't come, i'd wait a few seconds, then call the receptionist and let her know that i didn't receive the call.  meanwhile, the caller had been calling back in to the main line, picked up by a receptionist, yada yada yada, and transferred to my line, where again i wouldn't see the blink.  this cycle repeated itself 1 or 2 times, so both the receptionist and i thought something was wrong with my phone.  after another couple tries, the receptionist asked me if i was hanging up after she was.  well yes, that's what i always do... doh!  that's when i discovered that the real problem was me.  i had been (accidentally) hanging up on my callers!  all i had to do was remain on the line like the receptionists had been prompting me, but somehow that had gone in one ear and out the other.

i felt like a dimwit and apologized profusely to both receptionists for being an idiot.  we had a good laugh and luckily, my callers had all been patient and kind once they got through to me.  i retold the story to my coworkers, telling them that i needed, "how to operate a phone... for dummies" (inside joke).

sometimes, you just need to be able to have a real good laugh at yourself.

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