Wednesday, November 30, 2011

losers weepers

i've searched high and low for one of my old sketchpads (not included in the ones found during thanksgiving weekend) that housed illustrations of animated characters (like the traditional fairytale version of snow white and disney's pocahontas) and sketches of my family.  i've looked in every nook and crevice i can think of, my old bins and crates, boxes that still haven't been unpacked, drawers and closets.  i'm fairly positive that it's in the house, somewhere, because it wasn't at my parents'.  so it has to be somewhere.

i have a faint memory that i did bring it home specifically to show my husband, because i have an even fainter memory that we had conversed about art which led to the sketches i had done.  when i discovered he had never seen my work, i promised to bring home my sketchpad the next time i went to visit my parents.  so i'm pretty sure i followed through with that, except i have no idea where it is now.  or whether he had ever seen them.

and the harder i look, the harder it seems to be to find.

i probably placed it in a "special spot" for safekeeping, so special and so safe that not even i have a chance of finding it.

where, oh, where art thou sketchpad?

and i'm on the hunt again.

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