Tuesday, November 8, 2011

rank tank

i used to think i was a ridiculously good multitasker because i always have alot going on at one time.  i'll constantly have a number of projects i'm organizing, both at work and at home.  it is not uncommon for me to receive phonecalls and/or visits during a department meeting i'm leading.  or to be interrupted in the middle of something to answer a question.  but what i've realized is i'm not exactly multitasking -- as in doing a gazillion things at once -- i am simply shifting my focus from one thing to another as quickly as i can.  it's more like prioritizing.  (but i guess you would never say, "i'm an excellent prioritizer").  and yes, over the course of a short period of time, i can check items off my to-do list, but that is because i've broken down an overwhelming, mountainous amount of work into smaller, more manageable pieces.  when i used to feel like i'd reached my limit, i'd take a moment to tell myself to breathe, and would jump back into the mess, digging myself out one thing at a time.

so over the years, i've learned to clear my mind and redirect my attention at the sound of a knock or buzz or voice.  the same goes for when i'm out of the office -- i'll be on my laptop with the TV on, but once my husband starts talking about his day, he suddenly becomes the one channel i'm tuned into. 

having this knowledge actually soothes me.  i'm not afraid to surround my life with things, pile up my plate with stuff.  i see hectic as good because it keeps me on my toes.  in fact, it keeps me more focused.  i'm sure this is why, pardon my french, when s*it hits the fan, i am flooded with a calmness that allows me to operate efficiently without completely losing it. 

this is an article i found about "multitasking" that is really interesting (albeit it's 3 years old): http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=95256794

isn't it so amazing to learn about the human condition?  after all, aren't we consistently just trying to understand ourselves?

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