Thursday, December 29, 2011

close out

my back is on the mend, so i've been more attentive to bending over the "right" way in order to avoid aggravating it again.  it seems i'll be more observant and guarded once something like this happens or shortly thereafter (like being in a car accident), and then it's forgotten about until it happens again.  why is that?  maybe my new years' resolution should be to take care of myself all the time.

anyway, in other news, people have been scarce in the office.  i've always worked around the holidays since i'm out and about throughout the year (use it or lose it!) and i honestly don't mind covering.  in the moment, i'll be alittle jealous of those who have time off, but it's the best time to get things done.  i combat the quiet by plugging in my earphones and plugging away: tying up loose ends and getting to all those things that ended up falling on the back burner.  it seems natural to finish up as much as i can before the close of the year.

i know the feeling is mutual because this time of year is also when i tend to receive the most calls for requests.  at least it keeps my days nice and full.

which means, i should get to bed.

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