Saturday, December 24, 2011

feast of the... 11? fishes

we spent christmas eve at my in-laws' house as usual, enjoying the "feast of the 7 fishes" (take 2) that turned out to be more like 11.  pretty typical of a meal at their place.  last year, we had made it to probably "fish" #5 before we had given up, but this time i had a taste of everything.

"appetizers".. pickled herring, octopus salad, sardines, smoked oysters, cocktail shrimp..

fried oyster.. YUM.

mussels in white wine!

mushrooms topped w/.. imitation crabmeat?  actually it was whitefish made to look like crabmeat.
this was absolutely delicious.

i forget the name of the last 2, but they were good, of course.
one was prepared as a franchaise and the other in a hoison sauce.

then we watched the giants game together and celebrated their win.  yay!  it's alot of fun to watch it together since my husband's family have been long-time giants fans.

i love these little guys!

afterwards, it was time to open presents, followed by more... food?  dessert was served!

my FIL's fruit arrangement.

and my MIL's cookie arrangement!

so now you can see why i pretty much had to roll out of the house.  and to all a good night!

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