Sunday, January 23, 2011

pencil me in

i am in charge of our social calendar, which means that when our friends and family ask us when we are available, my husband tells them to talk to me.  i manage all of our time and commitments for gatherings and events.  and since i'm an avid planner, i often schedule our "free time," or weekends, in advance.  on fridays, my coworkers often ask, "what's up for the weekend?  you always have something."

this weekend was no exception; we had both saturday and sunday blocked off for family get-togethers.  the only thing i didn't know prior to making these arrangements was that we would be traveling the entire week before.  so it was a bit of a whirlwind with not much break or "catching up" in between landing back in the u.s. and the next item on our agenda.

sometimes, i find myself looking forward to, almost craving, a blank day on our calendar, a chance to have a day devoted to doing absolutely nothing.  no appointments, no obligations, nothing.  as i get older it seems that these days are fewer and further between.. there are more responsibilities, more lists to make, more plans to map out.

but would i have it any other way?  probably not.  because the days that i'm not doing anything feel exactly like that: that i'm not doing anything.  and who wants that?  i'd rather be doing things with people i care about than doing nothing by myself.

which is probably why i find myself filling in those blank days almost as soon as i notice the space.

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