Wednesday, January 12, 2011

buyer's market

today i was researching hotels for my sister's upcoming bachelorette party which ended up taking almost 2 hours since the website kept lagging and bugging out.  there are times when i can easily lose my patience, but not when i'm shopping around.  in fact, i was so engrossed in finding the best deal that i didn't even notice how much time had passed!

the most appropriate word i can think of to describe how i feel when i find a bargain or steal is 'exhilirating.'  sometimes, after purchasing an item from the store, if i happen to notice the same item on sale or in the clearance aisle during my next visit, i'll go through the hassle of picking it up and making an extra trip back to the store to return the original item.  the fact that i snag it for cheaper the second time around makes it all worth it to me.  this feeling, this rush i get from saving money, also explains why someone like me, who doesn't like crowds and generally hates mornings is in line at 5 a.m. on black friday.

i probably learned to be a smart shopper from my dad.  he is constantly clipping coupons for the grocery store or looking in his entertainment book for savings.  often, we won't go to a restaurant if the book doesn't offer a coupon.  i find myself following in his footsteps; i usually don't go anywhere without arming myself with coupon codes, gift certificates, or a groupon.

you could call this frugal, but my dad taught me very important lessons: 1) that money does not grow on trees, and 2) by investing alittle time (and sometimes alot of patience), we can stretch the value of our lot, remembering that it doesn't take much to have a good time for a good price.

1 comment:

  1. this is very dad of you. i like how much i learn about you when heard from your own words. not just my perspective of you. :)
