Tuesday, January 11, 2011

eye of the storm

it's no surprise i would leave work late the night a huge snowstorm hits.  i'm usually in the office after hours.  i like powering through the quiet time in between shifts.

still, it probably would have been wiser to get a headstart on the roads to avoid such a frightening 2-hour commute home.  every season, once the weather turns colder, my husband lectures me about packing an overnight bag and leaving it in my car for situations like these.  but have i done it?  nope.  and did i listen to him when he told me to turn around and find a hotel for the night?  i'm sure you can guess the answer to that.

can he blame me, though?  i'd drive through any storm to make it home.  just the thought of sleeping in an empty, lonely hotel room gets me here.  and if that makes me a careless, stubborn fool, then so be it.

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