Monday, October 10, 2011

the best things in life are free

i love freebies.  who doesn't?  last week it was a free smoothie at wawa and a free dozen eggs from giant.  today it was free undies from victoria's secret and then a free iced coffee from dunkin donuts.  the best part about today's free stuff was there were no stipulations or restrictions (i.e. must purchase $10 worth to receive the free item).  they were simply free.

it doesn't matter whether what i'm getting is worth $2 or $8; the fact that i'm grabbing something literally for nothing is the exciting part.  so this means that i would make the trip to the mall over my break that i normally wouldn't make or stop by the drive-through after work when i would much rather go straight home.  it's free!  the few extra minutes in my day are worth the smile it puts on my face.

now i'm starting to understand the term 'free' -- for me, it's the feeling you get after receiving a gratuitous product or service -- liberated.  and just think, every freebie i listed above is something small, something trivial.  but imagine how the organization, or ultimately, the decision-maker on the other side must feel, sending out all that generosity and goodwill into the world.  probably free as a bird.

wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all be as giving?  what could be disregarded as the tiniest thing could actually have a load of impact.

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