Friday, October 28, 2011

brrr... grrr

today turned cold, like winter-kind-of-cold.  like you-can-feel-it-in-the-air-cold.  like it's-going-to-snow cold.  when i checked earlier this week and saw there was rain/snow predicted for saturday, i didn't believe it.  but as each day crept toward the weekend, the forecast became more and more ominous.  some rain, with maybe alittle snow mixing in.  a possible snowstorm.  an early nor'easter.  now the word is heavy snow, with about 6-10 inches of accumulation.  seriously, old man winter?  you couldn't wait?!

not surprisingly, i made plans this weekend for my husband and me to celebrate our upcoming anniversary.  this morning i found out that part of those plans were canceled due to the impending storm, but by the afternoon it had worked itself out.  the secret location was still a go.  that is, if we even get to our destination.  the forecast doesn't look too good.  what a disaster!

at least, whatever happens, we'll be together... whether it's spending a weekend away or being snowed in our house.  here's to tomorrow's adventure.

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