Tuesday, October 4, 2011


i'm beginning to realize that i have a social media presence, however small it is.  the clues come to me in bits and pieces.  most times, like with this blog, the feedback i directly receive is limited to my dedicated readers.  but i know i have other readers out there, somewhere, because my stats are showing that my site is constantly and consistently trafficked, and i seem to have quite a following in germany.  (btw, thank you, germans)!

the other signs come from my fb and linkedin pages.  often, a coworker will run into me and remark about a status update i made or picture i posted.  and this surprises me, because i didn't know this person was reading my updates or looking at my photos.  obviously, whatever i share, i know i'm sharing with the world, so i don't mind of course; i guess that i always assumed that people were paying me no mind.

sometimes the evidence will come in the form of a question from my husband's coworkers (who happen to be people i used to work with too).  since he's not on fb or blogger, they'll ask about something i've shared and he's initially just as surprised as i am when he tells me about it.

and then i'll notice subtler hints... how after i post an article, it's reposted several times a day.  or how i tell my bff i went somewhere and she responds that she knew because her brother told her about it when i was there.  it may take me awhile to figure out the source, but then the connection gradually comes into focus.  aha!  i had posted that on my fb!

so maybe i'm not as invisible as i thought.

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