Wednesday, October 26, 2011

chit chat

i have a girlfriend who i chat with nearly every weekday, sometimes for maybe just a minute or 2.  we'll "talk" about how our day's going at work, what our plans are for the weekend, our families, our mutual friends.  most of the time we launch right into subjects without the technicality of a greeting, our online onversations comfortable and candid.

over the years (i think it's been 7!), we've come to know and understand each other through these fragments of our days, tossing out subjects, gauging our emotions at the moment, supporting each other.  they've almost become one long, ongoing conversation, keeping us connected.  i've found that i've come to look forward to sending a quick, how's it going? message.  what may seem light and casual has amassed substance, and ultimately, a good friendship.

"Talking with a friend is nothing else but thinking aloud."  --Joseph Addison

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