Tuesday, October 11, 2011


i am spoiled by technology, and i don't own an ipad or the latest gadget or even have a data plan for my phone.  but i think about 15 years ago when my family shared a single desktop IBM, a clunky, boxy thing that sat in our basement where i would play games like street fighter 2 or lemmings after my cousin taught me the MS-DOS commands.  then there was microsoft paint where i would literally spend hours drawing a ridiculously simple yet detailed picture with a steady hand (and alot of patience).  i remember how floppy disks held everything we needed for school.  next came prodigy, juno e-mail, and AOL, which was always like a field trip logging on, the static and noisy dial-up just a part of going online.

now, i expect my laptop to boost up in a minute and to be on the internet with the click of an icon.  i expect a webpage to pull up the minute i press enter.  i expect a picture to upload as soon as i hit submit.  but when my screens are freezing and hitting a button 10x does nothing, i'm about ready to pull my hair out.  literally.

it seems that expectation can supersede patience.

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