Friday, March 4, 2011


in the middle of dinner tonight, my best friend remarked how nice it was to be able to have a good conversation over a meal together.  you'd think we would have more opportunities like that, but we don't.  we see each other as often as we can, but they are planned outings since we live about 60 miles apart.

it's funny that we didn't become closer friends until after graduation, even though we were in the same program for 2 years.  during that time, i lived in the city just a few blocks from where she was.  why didn't we carpool? i often ask her.  she says it's because i kept to myself at school and wasn't one for socializing.  she's right.

i remember the first time we met.  we were both in an anatomy class over the summer.  i had just transferred into the university so knew absolutely no one, and was still fairly shy and awkward.  during a break, i realized i had forgotten my cell phone to call my ride.  i walked to the payphone and discovered i had no change on me either.  i walked back into the lab and looked around.  there was a girl talking to a couple people but she looked nice enough.  i asked her if i could borrow some change for the phone, and she handed me her cell phone instead.  i remember thinking it was such a nice gesture from a stranger to a stranger.

she doesn't recall this incident even though i've recounted it over the years.

later, in the fall of junior year, i recognized her in my first class.  she sat behind me for most of the curriculum and we talked here and there, but our friendship didn't really develop until our accreditation exam and the CE classes following.  we also bonded, not surprisingly, over food.  fast forward a couple years, when i asked her for a very huge favor: to be in my bridal party.  and the rest is history.

people come and go in your life.  but those that stay leave impressions, big and small.  my advice?  savor the moments you have together -- whether it's sharing a simple dinner or having them stand next to you on your big day.

out of all of our memories, and there are many, meeting my best friend that day in the lab is still one of my favorites.

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