Thursday, March 10, 2011


while driving home today, i was slowly passing a car on the left when it hit a huge puddle and splashed my windshield.  for a few protracted seconds i was completely blind, unable to see through the darkness or rush of water.  holding my breath and gripping the steering wheel, i had no choice but to pilot forward and pray there were no obstructions in the road.

it scares me alittle when i feel like i've lost control over my surroundings.  i'm a nonstop planner, so not being able to "expect the unexpected" is disconcerting.  my husband constantly tells me that i can't possibly prepare for everything, that things happen regardless of how ready (or not) i am for them, and that sometimes i just need to let go.  let go?  me?  at times i don't even know what that means.

but sometimes, letting go is the best advice i could have.

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