Saturday, March 26, 2011

good fortune

today at the arcade, i played the 'wheel of fortune' game (of course) and lucked out on a good spin for 200 points and guessed 4 letters right.  even though i couldn't solve the puzzle, i won 800 tickets!  the machine kept spitting them out and the hubbie and i ended up with a small crowd of onlookers and both of our hands full.

i used to say that i never won anything until i met my husband.  he's my lucky charm.  technically, it's true, but i was always timid and apprehensive before, willing to sit on the sidelines while i'd watch someone else step up to the plate.  he has been my #1 fan, my coach, my cheerleader, and given me what i didn't know i could possess: courage.  confidence.  hope.

he's given me the belief that i have a chance.  without that, i wouldn't take the shot.  and you can't win if you're not in.


  1. thats awesome!

    At D&B, i played the wheel of fortune game. I won 2500 tickets twice. It was fun at first but carrying all those >___< I think they've since removed such large wins from the machine.

  2. 2500 tickets?! holy crapola!
