Sunday, August 28, 2011

after the storm

well, we survived hurricane irene with little to no damage, except for some windblown plants in the yard (and me feeling alittle stir-crazy because i've been limited to the couch and bed in a reclining position, since that's all my back can take).  there wasn't a drip of water in the basement, and the power must have gone out sometime after 2 p.m. but come right back on, since my bedside clock was blinking this morning.  (interestingly, the power had gone out pre-hurricane on friday morning and stayed out longer and been more of a hindrance -- i had to manually open and close the garage door to even leave the house -- than apparently the hurricane had been).  so overall, i have no complaints.

several of my friends though, were not as lucky.  i've heard of a number of basements flooding and power outages throughout our area -- my parents' included.  and speaking of my parents, they had a rough night themselves when they were stuck in knee-high deep rain and the car flooded.  luckily, emergency services responded quickly and escorted them home.  the only thing which didn't pull through was the car.

the other thing going on this weekend are my in-laws' birthdays.  today's my MIL's birthday, and since we could not see her, we sang happy birthday to her over the phone.  she and my FIL were over the house yesterday to celebrate, since it was his birthday (yesterday).  it was nice to be able to treat them to lunch since they're usually the ones cooking for us.  i liked that they could sit and relax while my husband and i busied ourselves in the kitchen.  they deserve time for themselves since they're the hardest working people i know, although they're always doing stuff for others.

if there is one thing i could wish for them both -- it would be for a sense of peace, much like the calm after a storm.

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