Thursday, August 11, 2011

step up

today was our health fair at work where a coworker and i set up a food demonstration.  we decided on making fresh garden spring rolls, since it was a healthy option that provided alot of variety, and although the rice paper could make some a bit wary about trying them, we had little to worry about.  it was an instant hit.  although we spent a couple hours after work yesterday prepping all the food and figuring out logistics, we basically winged it when it came to the demos/education/interaction (which is hard for me, being a planner and all).  but it was a success and we received alot of positive feedback.

although i HATE being the center of attention, i constantly find myself in these volunteer-type situations that require me to step out of my comfort zone.  i guess my affinity to serve (or is it just my inclination for anything involving food?) outweighs my loathing for the spotlight.  and i never come out on the other side regretting my decision to help.

that's probably why i'll continue giving for as long as i can.

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