when i was little, you would often find me in the kitchen watching my parents or our nanny prepare our meals. as soon as my mom trusted me with the stove and oven, i started concocting dishes of my own. i began with simple fixes, like frying an egg, before moving on to larger entrees like lasagna. as i explored the world of food, i found myself using my mom's basic recipes and modifying them. my sisters became my taste testers. sometimes i would mess up and find a way to salvage the meal while other times i'd have to give up. either way, it would be an adventure.
these days, i don't have many opportunities to spend a day in the kitchen, but when i do, the hours go by almost unnoticed. i'll experiment, try out new recipes, and play around with plating. i'll make brownies or cookies just to smell them baking in the oven. i'll find different ways to use one ingredient (usually from an overabundance of a vegetable or fruit from the auction). i'll create things from scratch, like ravioli or meatballs or hummus or guacamole. i'll use fresh herbs from our garden.
if there's anything to learn from cooking, it's patience. it's understanding that things don't always turn out right, but sometimes with some added effort, you might stumble upon a changed masterpiece. it's creating something new every time. it's magic.
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