Friday, February 11, 2011

just breathe

earlier this week, i was looking for a glass bowl that i like to bring to work because it's portable and microwavable.  i found it sitting in our large glass measuring cup so went to pick it up.

it was stuck.  very stuck.

i don't know if you've ever seen glass stuck in glass, but it looked as if it had been melded together.  no matter how hard i tugged, neither piece would budge.  frustrated, i protested outloud.

since that obviously didn't work, i decided to try a different technique.  i ran the whole solid piece under some warm water, my hands slipping and sliding against the smooth glass.  then i pulled with all of my might, to no avail.  the mess would not come free.

i sighed and set the glass down, taking a deep breath.  i told myself that i could get mad, yell and scream, but the problem would still be there.  so i thought for a quick second, found the dish detergent, squirted it around the perimeter of the bowl, and then while rinsing it with the warm water, slowly managed to loosen it from the measuring cup.  voila!

maybe when obstacles arise, whether big or small, they seem to take on elements of glass -- unyielding or impenetrable -- until we take a second look, a breath, and realize that with just a couple of steps or a new tactic, we can dilute the issue, or better, solve it.

so what did i find at the bottom of that little glass bowl?  patience.

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