Monday, February 14, 2011

happy hearts

ah, valentine's day.  what do you make of it?

i didn't use to particularly like valentine's day.  it probably had more to do with the fact that i was usually single, which translated into feeling like i was the only solo person in the world, surrounded by smooching couples or pairs holding hands or dining out or doing pretty much anything together.  as if it wasn't enough to be alone, somehow this day felt lonelier than any other day of the year.

even when i was with someone, i still felt like it was somewhat of a silly day.  why should we focus on one day to declare our love for each other through flowers, chocolate, a nice dinner, or expensive jewelry when we have 365 days in a year and many other ways of showing it?

however, over the years, i started to see it differently.  maybe it's a chance to tell someone you don't see often that you are thinking of them.  or a day to remember all your loved ones that are no longer with you.  or just a day set aside to highlight how much you care for your sweetheart or family or friends, even though they already know it.

so despite what has been said of this day (ahem, fake holiday generated by retail industries to make their dough), i am okay with supporting it.  as one of my friends says, "i love love."  we might as well celebrate by expressing it today.

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