Sunday, February 20, 2011


today i couldn't stop reading a book that brought me to tears by the end.  it was raw and simple and unexpectedly poignant.  it was as if the author had sucked up all the emotions from a period of my life and managed to pour it all out on paper.

i had picked up the book a few months ago at a bargain outlet since the plain, no-nonsense cover had grabbed my attention.  the writer was unknown to me, but after only a glance at the summary on the back, i knew it was a book i would enjoy.  the words had already spoken to me.

it's amazing how connected you can feel with an author, a person who is essentially a stranger but who manages to share something intimate with you through pages and stories conjured up in their minds or pulled from their own lives.  my hope, my wish, my dream, is to be able to attain just that -- to give a little piece of me to anyone willing to receive it.

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